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Dr. Goerg PREMIUM organic coconut products
Dr. Goerg does miracles! Unsurpassed freshness and German quality standard recognized by our customers. Products made without compromising, produced within 72 hours from the harvest to end product, vegan friendly, from FAIR TRADE raw materials.
Along with coconut products here you can find deserts, cacao, nut butters and spreads made from coconuts, peanuts, sesame, hazelnuts, cahews) even fresh coconuts too !
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Green Pasture TM  fermented cod liver oil (and other products)

Green Pasture revived the old glory of cod liver oil by reviving the ancient process of cold fermentation of cod livers. That gave us a truly RAW product of high quality made of pure cod livers caught in pristine Arctic region of Behring Sea. Filtered by proprietary cold method, oil is tested in independent labs. 

With Blue Ice® oils, there is also a blend Blue Ice® Royal i X-FactorTM Gold concentrated butter oil rich in nutrients that nourish the cells of the intestinal lining


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Rosita Ratfishoil®

Rosita is one of few cod liver oil brands produces by traditional, cold method. No fermentation is involved, so this product is suitable even for those that can't tolerate hystamine present in fermented foods. Rosita products are manufactured in Norway from wild fish caught in pure fjords and manually transformed to amazingly nutritious and rich products. In addtition to cod liver oil there is a ratfish oil too, rich with alkylglycerols, that made this brand world-famous!


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BackTpack® backpacks 

We are the main EU distributor for BackTpack® bags. BackTpack® is designed by an American physical therapist to be an ergonomic, spine-healthy alternative to a regular backpack. It is designed to distribute the load onto the body's axis, contributing to natural vertical resistance to gravity, improving posture, reducing pain, and promoting the habit of maintaining a healthy back posture. By clicking on the image or this LINK you will be forwarded to our web shop www.backTpack.eu but you can purchase them here too !

STRAIGHT TO BackTpack® ! 


Knjiga za svaku obitelj!

Primijenite otkrića Westona A. Pricea za zdravlje svoje obitelji i spriječite ili usporite već započeti proces degeneracije!

Imaju li Vaša djeca pokvarene ili zbijene zube koji rastu jedni preko drugih? Zašto su naši preci imali toliko robusnije zdravlje iako danas živimo u većem obilju?

Zubi su jedini vidljivi dio koštanog sustava i tu se očituje manjak ključnih nutrijenata koji će se s vremenom očitovati na čitavom organizmu.

Znate li da su to prvi znakovi degeneracije koju je Weston A. Price dokumentirao? 

Knjiga prati Vaše dijete od razdoblja prije začeća do punoljetnosti.

Pomoću nje ćete bolje razumjeti svoje zdravlje i  naučiti lekcije o prehrani i zdravlju za čitav život!

Nove proizvode možete provjeriti ovdje




GAPS - gut and psychology syndrome

The book by Natasha Campbell-McBride, M.D., which has been successfully used by parents of children with the following issues in Croatia for many years:

  • Autism

  • Dispraxia

  • Dislexia

  • ADD

  • ADHD

  • Depression

  • Schizofrenia


Capsule Connection capsulators (USA) & Now Foods empty capsules

Manual capsulators  MORE INFOCharge 24 capsules within several minutes. We offer two sizes, one for size 0, other for size 00. Fills gelatin and celulose capsules.

We offer celulose capsules MORE INFO

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